


Meuse Press, established 1977, publishes Australian poetry outreach projects.



Australian Poetry Collaboration


One US commentator when quizzed on the working class of his country said “we prefer to call them people who have yet to achieve their full potential” haha.


The idea for this issue arose from intense discussions held in Canada & India over the last year. There has been much written about identity in recent years. While not criticising that or excluding the interplay of factors at work for this edition, many find it remarkable at a time when wealth inequality is reaching historic heights that we see the issue of class under-examined.


Do you have a poem that looks at this? Either specific portraits or a general overview. Not limited to solely working class. Nor limited to Australian contributors. Prior publication fine so long as it is attributed. No poems about classroom antics or classy dames please.


Send work to by 13 September


poems (max.3)

Submissions in attachment, Word docs Times New Roman 12

Unfunded so no payment for contributors.

Submissions must firstly be in English but home languages alongside welcomed.


Les Wicks






Guide to Sydney Crime


Guide to Sydney Rivers


Guide to Sydney Beaches


AU/UA Contemporary Poetry of Ukraine and Australia

“...a juxtaposition that is as impressive and evenly balanced as its slightly more

widely noticed sporting equivalent, the Dolgopolov-Tomic tennis match.”

Prof. Marko Pavlyshyn



“…a singular surprise and delight…” Robert Holden


Australian Poetry Collaboration


from this Broken Hill


Written in Sand








cover final.jpg



Hang gliding at Stanwell Tops by laurence owen-ross.jpgartr7.jpgTop of the Document